Baby Jesus rubs elbows with Santa Claus and Prancer. 除此之外,由三个中国人装扮的美体修身版圣诞老人也会不时出来搞搞气氛。
Charlie even emails Santa Claus, telling hm to pick up Prancer on Christmas Eve. 他相信这头小鹿是属于圣诞老人的,便带牠回家中悉心照顾;
The reindeer are ready for the long flight on Christmas Eve, except for Prancer. 但是我想这可以说选举关将近(快快做做事,好取得票)吧。
Eight. Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. In some stories, there is a ninth, named Rudolph. 八只。牠们的名字分别为冲锋、舞者、跳跃、悍妇、慧星、丘比特、甜甜圈和闪电。在某些故事中,还有第九只,名叫鲁道夫。
Deep in the mountain woods, he discovers a gangly baby rindeer, all alone.Believing this must be Prancer, Santa's reinderr, Charlie takes the gentle creature home to care for him until Christmas. 普天同庆,圣诞欢乐气氛即将降临世上......小查利刚刚搬家,附近有一片丛林,他在那里无中发现一头小驯鹿。