These 6 strings of Yakitori is one of the famous dishes in Daisaku. 这6串可说是大作日本餐厅的招牌菜之一,极度推荐。
Yakitori is the name for grilled chicken kabobs in Japan. 串了蔬菜又串鸡肉,互相交替,然后整个东西都用酱汁来腌。
If you don't have charcoal when making yakitori at home, place the grill on a gas or electric stove. 在家庭中烤焙鸡肉串时,如果没有木炭,也可以使用煤气炉或是电炉。
Yakitori is the name for grilled chicken kabobs in Japan.These are especially pretty when prepared ... 串了蔬菜又串鸡肉,互相交替,然后整个东西都用酱汁来腌。
Concert with the strong rhythm of the music for the opening, followed by Misia Yakitori sing the song as fast as the audience warm-up. 演唱会以节奏强劲的音乐作开场,其后米希亚唱出串烧快歌为观众作热身。