The Domestic Macro Environment Promoting The Home-use Textile Industry. 国内宏观环境对家纺业的促进。
Firstly, let us analysis the macro environment of Southwest Knitting. 首先,我们来分析一下,西南织造所处的宏观环境。
I would say it is not a reaction to the short-term macro environment, or short-term pressures," Donahoe said. 我要说的是这不是针对短期内的微观经济环境或者说短期内的经济压力而做出的反应,”唐纳荷说道。
The macro environment for gold is still supportive based on negative real interest rates. 基于实际的银行负利率,黄金还是得到了宏观环境的支持。
The change of macro environment and whether resources are rationally utilized or the laws of nature followed determine the function of the two kinds of feedback effects. 决定这两种反馈作用的是大环境的变迁和绿洲开发利用中是否合理利用资源和按自然规律办事。