A Ring Tail lemur hides among leaves at the Lemurs Park, a private eco-tourism enterprise near Antananarivo, Madagascar. 马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛附近一家私人狐猴公园中,一只表情生动的卷尾狐猴隐身在树丛中。
Agile viverrine have a spotted coat and long ringed tail. 敏捷的灵猫,有带斑点的皮毛和圈状的长尾巴。
Any of several Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Genetta, having grayish or yellowish fur with dark spots and a long, ringed tail. 麝猫产于欧洲的麝猫属食肉哺乳动物,具有灰色或黄色的皮毛、黑色斑点和一条长而成圈状的尾巴
A small, raccoonlike mammal(Ailurus fulgens) of northeast Asia, having reddish fur, white face markings, and a long ringed tail. 小熊猫产于亚洲东北的一种长得象浣熊的小型哺乳动物(小熊猫),有赤褐色毛,脸带白斑,有长的环状尾巴
Many boys and girls tailed after the circus parade. 许多男孩子和女孩子跟在马戏团游行队伍的後面。