In such cases, the pulse oximeter shows anoxia. 但有些人的室间隔上却有一个小孔。
This paper presents a new kind of pulse oximeter monitor. 本文研制了一种新型的脉搏血氧监护仪。
Compare oximeter pulse rate with client's radial pulse. 对比血氧仪脉率与病人桡动脉搏动。
Identify factors likely to interfere with accuracy of pulse oximeter. 确认可能影响脉氧仪精确度的各种因素。
The fingertip Oximeter can be used to measure human Hemoglobin Saturation and heart beat through finger. 此手指血氧仪能够通过手指检测到人体的血氧饱和度和心率。