Where does the HP jotter of n maintain a service center to be in? 抚顺的惠普笔记本维修服务中心在什么地方?
To satisfy your need, gave the jotter of a similar bat now. 为了满足你的需要,现在出了一款类似蝙蝠的笔记本。
This makes consumer heart already in to jotter buy a level. 这早已成为生产者心中对于笔记本的采办尺度。
Another focus is, cause domestic jotter market extremely likely 2003 shuffle. 另一个焦点是,2003年极有可能引发国内笔记本市场的洗牌。
Low presence jotter, from which indebted natural meeting is an user. 低价光临笔记本,从中受惠的自然会是用户。