Colin should make a good salesman; he's got the gift of the gab and persistence. 科林应该能成为一名出色的推销员,他伶牙俐齿而且很有毅力。
I have no toleration for his gab. 我不能忍受他的唠叨。
用作动词 (v.)I hate it when people gab in movie theaters. 我讨厌在电影院看电影总是说个没完的人。
Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, galumph, and gossip. 胖子絮叨,傻笑,开怀大笑,打打闹闹,还好说闲话。
They've been gabbing (away) on the phone for nearly an hour. 他们通过电话聊天已经快一小时了。