The area bounded by a chord and the arc of a curve subtended by the chord. 弓形,扇形由弦正对的弦和弧线的弧所成的区域。
Calyx deeply 5-lobed, subtended by a cuplike involucre of bracteoles. 花萼5深深的裂,被一小苞片的杯状的总苞被包着。
Capsules subtended by persistent calyx, dehiscent into 2 leathery valves. 蒴果以宿萼被包着,进2革质的裂爿开裂。
A radian is the angle subtended by an arc of a circle whose length is just equal to the radius. 一弧度就是长度刚好等于半径的一段圆弧所对的圆心角。
Each individual floret of the spikelet is also subtended by two bracts, the lower being called the lemma and the upper the palea. 每一朵能发育的花的外面又有两片鳞片状的薄片包住,称为稃片,外面的一片称外稃,是花基部的苞片,里面的一片称内稃。