The shipping industry lacks of administerial talent seriously. 航运业中有行政才干的人奇缺。
The sense of responsibility is an inherent personal quality of administerial staff in companies. 责任心是管理者个体本质上具有的内在特质,是内心自律的个性品质,具有精神内驱力和稳定的特征。
How to assume administerial responsibility and how to forbid abuse of administerial power are subjests that people have always pondered. 如何承担行政责任,防止行政权力的滥用,一直是人们深思的一个话题。
To manage small-scale mines has became important administerial contents for many local departments of land and resources management. 小矿开发与管理事实上已经成为许多地方国土资源管理部门的主要工作内容。
Vehicle breaks down the old one-unit administerial system and puts political activity in a new framework, new territory and new process. 载体创制格局打破了原来行政体系的单中心位置,使政治活动在一个新框架、新领域与新方式下进行。