Granted Power: You cast abjuration spells at +1 caster level. 神授力量:防护系施法等级+1。
Don't abjuration ,the college is very important for your future. 竞争的社会,没有文凭,能力就要淘汰。
Working hard may not makes success but abjuration must be end with failure. 请翻译:努力不一定成功,但是放弃一定失败!!
All my life is singing a song to me: Gets means lost and abjuration sometimes means regain. 我的一生都在向我唱着一首歌:得到就意味着失去;而放弃有时候反而意味着拥有。)
Week of Abjuration: Skill level of all Light Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 光明之周:战斗中,所有光明魔法的等级变为最高级。