Looking carefully from face to face, he smiled benevolently and asked again, "Is the jar full? 老师仔细地扫视每个学生的脸,慈祥地笑着,再一次问道:“这个玻璃瓶装满了吗?”
Again and again, my best friends all said that how could I do so, how could I am so benevolently. 一次又一次地,我的闺中密友都说我怎麽就能如此地大方。
And, my answers were the same, I am, not really benevolently but very selfish, why I do so because I have to. 而我的答案都是,我,并不大方还很自私,我这麽做只是因为我不得不这麽做。
Crouching down to the child's level, the priest smiles benevolently and asks, "And now what, my little man? 长子Tom会不会从墨西哥重新回到母亲的怀抱中;Rebecca与Justin会走进结婚教堂吗;Kitty与Robert的婚姻最终会怎样收场;
You can benevolently let your mate share the spotlight, because you know everyone is going to be looking at you anyway. 婚礼上,只要你将这两种品质融合起来就能体现自己的风格。