Brassy enough to call herself girl. 还有脸说自己是女孩子。
From the telescreen a brassy female voice was squalling a patriotic song. 电幕上一个低沉的女人声音在唱一支爱国歌曲。
A buffet of wind made him stagger and he saw that he was out in the open, on rock, under a brassy sky. 一阵风吹得他踉踉跄跄,他看到自己已经到了开阔地,在黄铜色的天穹之下,在山岩之上。
However, long and slinky can turn brassy and Bet Lynch if you don’t have the freshness and height to carry it off. 然而,这些会变成死刑,如果你没有勃勃生气和身高来运用它的话。
A pathological condition of the larynx, especially in infants and children, that is characterized by respiratory difficulty and a hoarse, brassy cough. 哮喘尤指发生于婴儿或儿童身上的一种喉病,其特征是呼吸困难和伴有嘶哑的金属音的咳嗽