But the latest fad is promoting in vitro fertilisation (IVF). 但是最近的时尚是促进试管受精。
Local schemes, particularly ocean fertilisation, need not be that expensive. 一些地区性的计划,尤其是富化海洋,没必要那么昂贵。
Embryos developed by in vitro fertilisation methods would be routinely scanned for genetic illnesses. 利用体外受精培养的胚胎将接受对遗传病的例行普查。
The embryos are created at fertility clinics for in itro fertilisation procedures to help infertile couples hae babies. 培育胚胎的生殖诊所通过体外受精的方式帮助那些不孕夫妇生儿育女。
In Britain the job of pronouncing on whether such research should be allowed falls to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. 在英国,就是否应该允许这种研究发言的工作落到人类受精和胚胎学权威身上。