You have to grea down when you drive to a crossroad. 开车接近十字路口时,要减小油门。
Only passion,grea passion,can elevate the soul to great things! 只有激情,伟大的激情,才能够提升灵魂以成就伟业!
But do you think my hands were as grea t a handicap as the bone spurs? 但是,你可以为,我这双受伤的手跟骨刺一样是个很大的不利条件?
You'll notice instantly how extraordinarily sheer and greaseless it feels. 你能感受到它超凡的清爽,不油腻。
It came greaseless to the table so I knew there was a good Vietnamese chef in the kitchen. 上到桌上时,这道菜没一点油脂,我便知道厨房中的越南师傅身手不凡。