She extended her hands towards him piteously. 她怜悯地向他伸出双手。
She implored piteously, in a voice choked with sobs. 她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。
Then, as he cried piteously, blood-like tears again coursed down his face. 它痛苦地哀叫一声,血一样的眼泪又流了下来。
Sharp ground cry a voice, even appear to cry piteously of cry a voice. 尖锐的哭声,甚至出现哀嚎的哭声。
Tears rolled down its face, and it sobbed and howled very piteously. 眼泪顺着它的脸哗哗地淌,它可怜兮兮地哀号起来。