For all the forced badinage, it was an awkward meal. 大家尽管勉强地说说笑笑,这顿饭依旧吃得很别扭。
Sometimes we girls badinage together: “We will not watch the football game, unless there is a handsome man. 之类,反正除了看帅哥,欣赏帅哥在场地上奔跑的样子就没有别的。
As Carrie listened to this and much more of similar familiar Badinage among the men and girls, she instinctively withdrew into herself. 当嘉莉听到男女工人这样随便放肆地打趣揶揄时,她本能地和他们拉开了距离。
I have no mood to badinage. 我没有心情开玩笑!
I'm badinage for you! 我在跟你开玩笑呢!