Wild rice stem, weever, water shield is in 1000 be labelled before New Year more Changjiang Delta 3 names dish. 茭白、鲈鱼、莼菜在1000多年前就被列为江南三大名菜。
Zhang Xian stands side by side whitebait and weever, what also show the social status of whitebait is tall. 张先把银鱼和鲈鱼并列,也说明银鱼的身价之高。
Meanwhile, the fish price such as fish of the weever of each free market of agricultural products, crucian carp, bream keeps basically stable, without big change. 与 此同 时,各农 贸市 场 的鲈 鱼、鲫鱼 、鳊 鱼等 鱼 类价 格基 本 保持 稳定 ,没 有 大的 变化 。
For instance, the silver carp that must not bestow favor on more and more, carp, the breed aquatics of price suffer a disastrous decline yellow croaker, add continent weever. 比如,越来越不得宠的白鲢、鲤鱼,价格一落千丈的养殖黄鱼、加洲鲈鱼。
Deep-fried weever with butter in yellow wine 花雕牛油浸鲈鱼