The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history. 稚童们永居于不朽岁月的玄妙中,不因历史之微尘而晦黯失色。
The child ever dwells in the mystery of the ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history. 孩童永住在永恒的神秘中,不受历史尘埃的影响。
So at certain times of the year an informed skygazer with a little determination can usually pick Mercury out from a site with an unobscured horizon. 所以在每年的某些期间,靠著正确的资讯和一点坚持,观星人不难在一个拥有低平视野的地方看见水星。
At this time, occasional strong winds were recorded at stations unobscured to the east like Waglan Island and Cheung Chau. 这时,部分东面没有阻碍的气象站开始间中录得强风,如横栏岛和长洲。
unobscured by the dust of history. 历史的尘埃也不能让他暗淡无光。