Ability to produce quality work under pressure. Goal orientation. 能够承受一定工作压力,有事业心。
Unlike a lot of other mood disorders, people suffering from hypomania tend to be extremely goal oriented and many successful people have credited bipolar disorder in their successes. 与其他心境障碍不同,受到轻躁狂影响的人群变得更有生活追求,大量成功人士感谢轻躁狂对于他们最终获取成功的帮助。
goal oriented analysis procedure 面向目标的分析步骤
Conclusion: Achievement goal orientation, uncertain personal control, self-deprecation are closely related to academic self-handicapping. 由此得出成就目标取向、不可控感、自我贬低与大学生学业自我妨碍密切相关的结论。
Achievement goal orientation had influence on the magnitude and accuracy of metamemory monitoring via self-efficacy. 6.