I want you to have a fast talk with Jack Nolan. 我希望你尽快同杰克·诺兰谈一下。
Some fast talking jerk for a dollar wiped the smile off my face! 想起jerk因为一元钱的喋喋不休笑容便从我脸上消失!
Some fast talking mama for a dollar put a smile on my face! 想起妈妈因为一元钱的长篇大论我便觉得幸福!
Salesmen often use fast talk to manipulate the buyer. 销售员常常用能言善辩的口才来影响和把持买主。
He thinks by all this fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes, but she isn't deceived. 他以为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。