We posted several lookouts. 我们部署了几个岗哨。
The general posted a lookout on top of the hill. 将军下令在小山顶上设立一个监视哨。
A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. 一个了望员突然发现一座巨大的冰山。
One of the men stood at the door to act as a lookout. 有一个人站在门口望风。
I'll be on the lookout for the data you need. 我会注意搜集你需要的数据。
Everyone must keep a sharp lookout for this sign. 大家要密切注意这个标记。
If you want to waste your money, that's your own lookout. 你要乱花钱,那是你自己的事。