Co Tuna, Swordfish, mahi mahi, Marlin, wahoo, butterfish, es ... 越南公司求购鱰鱼
The frozen prodnets contains: shelled shrimp, the shrimp, fsaoth America, the squid, swimming crab, little yellow croaker, the string fish, butterfish, fish's gruel products etc. 冷冻产品:虾仁、南美虾、鱿鱼、梭子蟹、小黄鱼、带鱼、鲳鱼、鱼糜制品等。
Japanese butterfish Psenopsis anomala 刺鲳
Butterfish, salted or in brine but not dried or smoked 盐腌及盐渍的鲳鱼
marlin, blue shark, butterfish, Co Tuna, Swordfish, mahi mah ... 越南公司求购枪鱼,蓝鲨鱼,溜滑的鱼,金枪鱼,旗鱼2007-07-10