The captain of a gnome mercenary company is looking for a good supplier of horses and weapons. 一个唯利是图的侏儒公司的头目正在寻找一个良好的马匹与武器供应源。
Mercenary men lust for wealth. 唯利是图的人贪求财富。
用作名词 (n.)The captain of a gnome mercenary company is looking for a good supplier of horses and weapons. 一个唯利是图的侏儒公司的头目正在寻找一个良好的马匹与武器供应源。
Mercenary men lust for wealth. 唯利是图的人贪求财富。
This regiment was entirely composed of mercenary troops. 这个团完全是由雇佣兵组成的。
A mercenary gets involved in a mission that threatens the lives of his kin. 一个雇佣兵卷入了一个任务,完成与否关系到他的亲人的安危。