Everything sublunary is on the move, time knows nothing of rest. 每一件事物都在移动,时间永不休止。
A marriage where not only esteem, but passion is kept awake, is, I am convinced, the most perfect state of sublunary happiness. 我相信,那种夫妻间的相敬如宾,并充满激情的婚姻,是人间幸福最完美的境界。
This sublunary sphere appeared no longer as a vale of tears, a place of painful pilgrimage to another world, but as affording opportunity for pagan delights, for fame and beauty and adventure. 拜占庭学者西行,西方学者得读柏拉图原作,识其真谛,此与读僧侣篡疏之本,迥然不同。昔者,人间是烦恼悲泣之地,居尘世者,必升入天堂,始离苦海。
transcendental motives for sublunary actions; 现世行为的超凡动机;
find transcendental motives for sublunary action-Aldous Huxley. 发现尘世生活的超凡的目的-奥尔德斯·赫胥黎。