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类型:英语语法    时间:2022-06-04    点击量530
1. snow job
Snow是下雪,所以“snow job”应该是“下雪天的工作”吗?当然不是,先来看看snow job的英文解释:
A snow job is an attempt to deceive someone by telling many lies or by giving praise that is not sincere.
这里借助了snow的动词意思,即“欺骗”。因此,snow job的意思就是花言巧语的劝说或诱骗。
He did a snow job on the girl by saying that he is the son of a minister. 他花言巧语的哄骗那个女孩,说自己是某个部长的儿子。
But when I read the policy he was selling, I realized he was giving me a snow job. 但是,当我看了他推销的保险政策后,我才明白他是在骗我。
2. snow day
看到这个短语,会想当然地认为它是“下雪天”的意思。不过呢,snow day实际上指的是假日。通常,如果雪下太大导致无法正常上课和工作,从而放假。你享受过这种假日吗?
We have no choice but stay at home because of the snow day.因为雪下太大,我们只能放假待在家里。
3. as white as snow
如果要形容一个人肤色很白或脸色苍白的话,我们可以说as white as snow,就像它字面表达的“洁白如雪”这个意思。
A lot of girls in choose lightest color when they buy the foundation so that they can be as white as snow.很多女孩买粉底时会选择最亮的颜色,以保持她们肌肤雪白。
My father, his face white as snow, put the phone down and told us he'd lost his job.我父亲放下电话,脸色苍白地告诉我们他失业了。
4. snow on the roof
乍一看,snow on the roof是“房顶的积雪”,字面上的确是这个意思。但是它也可以表示“(因年老)头上变白变灰的头发”,有没有很形象?
Sure, there's a bit of snow on the roof, but I still lead as adventurous a life as I ever have!的确,我头上是有些白头发了,但是我依然过着刺激冒险的生活。
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