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类型:英语词汇    时间:2022-05-23    点击量553
1. peach 讨人喜欢的人,好人
You're a peach.你是个好人/你是个讨人喜欢的人。
She is a peach to work with.她是一个很好的工作伙伴。
2. top banana 主要人物;主管;大老板
Tom'll get the chance to have an interview by the top banana.Tom获得了由大老板亲自面试的机会。
3. go bananas 发疯;发怒
We may not be able to go bananas for much longer. 以后可能就没机会抓狂了。
4. not give a fig 毫不在乎
fig是无花果,“not give a fig”,一个无花果都不给你,意思是毫不在乎,根本不在意。
I don't give a fig whether she comes.我一点都不在乎她会不会来。5. bean brain 白痴;笨蛋
Ben is such a bean brain.Ben是个大笨蛋。6. cherry pick 精挑细选;选择最好的
Paul always cherry picks the best books from the second hand book shop.保罗总是从二手书店里挑选最好的书。
7. tough cookie 坚定的人;坚强的人
She is a tough cookie.她是个坚强的女人。
8. big cheese 大人物
His father is a big cheese in the bank. 他父亲是这家银行的重要人物。
9. butter up 阿谀奉承;说好话
She liked to butter up every new boss she had. 她爱巴结每一位新老板。
10. salad days 青涩时光;少不更事的时光
I often look back to my salad days when I was in high school. 我经常怀念我高中的快乐时光。
11. be in apple-pie order 井然有序;井井有条
This room must be in apple-pie order.这个房间必须井井有条。
12. apples and oranges
在老外眼中,apples and oranges是一个常用习语,根据其英英释义to compare things that are very different,表示“风马牛不相及的事物;天差地别的事物”,它在美式英语中十分常见。
You can't compare your job as a doctor to mine as a musician—that's comparing apples and oranges!你是位医生,我是位音乐家,你没法比较咱俩的工作,因为它们风马牛不相及。
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