1. Eat less: the 80% rule少吃:八分饱原则
According to the Okinawans, you
should eat
until you’re 80% full. Okinawans call this rule “Hara Hachi Bu”. Here’s a
simple fact: it
takes about 15 to 20
minutes to
inform your
brain that you’re full. So when you
start to feel like you’re
kinda full, you
probably are
hitting the
limit of your
2. Eat
slowly & chew more细嚼慢咽
Digesting your food
actually starts in your
mouth. So the more you chew, the
better you can
digest the food when it
reaches your
stomach. Tip: Don’t hold
anything in your
hands while you’re
chewing. So
tonight, I
challenge you to put down your
cutlery and just
focus on
chewing while you’re
Create a
consistent eating routine吃饭有规律
When your body doesn’t know when it’s
getting food
again, your body will go full “
survival mode”. Your body will
start storing every meal as fat in fear of
running out of
energy reserve. None of us want that. But how
frequent should you eat? Some
people say
eating every 2 to 3
hours is the way to go.
Others say
intermittent fasting works for them.
Others eat like the kids –
consistent eating routine.
Whatever works for your body.