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类型:英语阅读    时间:2021-03-23    点击量673
New York is the first big city in America. It is the world’s commercial center and there are many sites that attract people from all over the world to take a visit. One of the famous sites is the Statue of Liberty. Everybody knows this great site and it has become the symbol of New York.纽约是美国第一大城市,它是世界商业中心,有许多景点吸引着来自世界各地的人来参观。其中一个著名的景点是自由女神像。每个人都知道这个景点,它已经成为纽约的象征了。
The Statue of Liberty stands on an island of the New York City harbor. It is the tallest building ever built. When people get there, they will see a woman holding a torch of fire. In her feet, people can see the chains that are broken, which means she gets away from the restrictions and chases for freedom. There is a book on her right hand, which is the Declaration of Independence. 自由女神像矗立在纽约港的一个小岛上。这是有史以来建造得最高的建筑。当人们到达那里时,他们会看到一个女人拿着火炬。在她的脚下,可以看到打破的枷锁,这意味着她将挣脱束缚并追逐自由。有一本书在她的右手,那是《独立宣言》。
The complete name of this statue is Liberty Enlightening the World. It is the present from French people to American people. The meaning of friendship and freedom are shared by both countries. Today, the meaning of the Statue of Liberty is shared by the world. People can feel the peace when they see this image. 自由女神像的完整名称自由照耀世界。这是法国人赠送与美国人的礼物。两国共享友谊和自由这两个象征。今天,自由女神像的意义与整个世界共享。当他们看到自由女神像时,他们可以感受到和平。
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