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类型:英语语法    时间:2020-08-05    点击量674
Little Jim is going to spend his holiday in Paris, _________ lives his uncle.
A. which B. who C. where D. that
【分析】许多人一看到空格后的谓语动词lives,就以为空格处一定要填一个作主语的词,从而误选B或D。其实,此题的最佳答案应是C,where lives his uncle 为倒装词序,此句可改为 and there lives his uncle 或 and his uncle lives there。类似的如:
He was led to a dark corner, where sat his old father. 他被引进一个黑暗的角落,他的老父亲坐在那儿。
Towards evening we reached the village, where lived her parents. 到傍晚的时候,我们到了那个村庄,她的父母就住在那儿。
At last we found the spot he told me, where lay a dead dog. 最后我们找到了他告诉我们的那个地点,那儿躺着一条死狗。
Next to it stood a pile of paper cups. 它旁边有一堆纸杯。
In the doorway stood a man with a gun. 门口站着一个手持一枝枪的男人。
In the corner of the room stood a big old chair. 屋角儿放着一把旧的大椅子。
On a perch beside him sat a blue parrot. 在他旁边的栖木上栖着一只蓝色的鹦鹉。
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