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没有买卖就没有伤害No Sell, No Kill

类型:英语作文    时间:2020-08-05    点击量692
We have been educated that animals are part of nature and they are also our friends. People should protect the animals, for saving themselves to some degree. But some people kill the animals for getting money, they hurt these lovely creatures. If we refuse to buy the products or food that made by animals, we can save them. When there is no sell, there will be no kill.我们受过教育,动物是自然的一部分,它们也是我们的朋友。人们应该保护动物,在某种程度上也是拯救自己。但是总有一些人杀死动物获取利润,他们伤害这些可爱的生物。如果我们拒绝购买与动物有关的产品或食物,我们就可以拯救他们,没有买卖,就没有伤害。
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