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小王子The Little Prince

类型:英语作文    时间:2020-07-31    点击量647
Since the birth of little Prince George, the media watch his move all the time. Every time when little George shows up in the public, he keeps the cold facial expression, which is favored by all. The little prince looks so cute and his innocent face always makes people laugh. Little George is the most popular person in British royal family.自从乔治小王子出生以来,媒体就观察着他的一举一动。每次小乔治出现在公众眼前,他冷酷的表情都受到了大家的喜爱。小王子看起来很可爱,无辜的脸总是能让人开怀大笑。小乔治在是英国最受欢迎的皇室成员。
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