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类型:英语阅读    时间:2024-05-27    点击量442
As the development of the economy, more and more people live the good life. As they have more money to satisfy the material issue, so they chase for entertainment. The old people like to dance in the square and the young people like to KTV. As for me, my favorite form of entertainment is to travel.由于经济的发展,越来越多的人过上了好生活。有了更多的钱来满足物质方面的问题,因此人们追求娱乐。老一代人喜欢在广场跳舞,年轻人喜欢唱歌。对于我来说,我最喜欢的娱乐方式是旅游。
On the one hand, travel can broaden my vision. Going to the different place can let me see the different scenery. Every time when I go to a place, I will talk to the local people and get to know their culture. I learn so many things from life instead of the book.一方面,旅行可以开阔我的视野。去不同的地方能让我看到不同的风景。每次当我去一个地方,我会和当地的人聊天,了解他们的文化。我从生活上学到了很多书本上没有的东西。
On the other hand, I will make friends during the trip. When I take the train, I will always find someone who has the same interest with me. We will talk a lot on the train, though our destination is different, we keep in touch and share our opinion all the time. 另一方面,在旅途中我会交朋友。当我坐火车,我总会发现和我有着相同爱好的人。在火车上我们会聊很多,虽然我们的目的地不同,但是我们会一直保持联系,彼此分享意见。
Going to travel is my favorite form of entertainment, I learn a lot and I will continue my travel when I have the time and money. 去旅游是我最喜欢的旅游方式,我学到了很多,当我有钱有时间的时候会继续我的旅程。
上一条:我的小兔子My Rabbits
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