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类型:英语阅读    时间:2023-07-21    点击量888
In the coming of the new year, Chinese government has announced an important policy to protect the animal. That is the ivory trade will be completed banned by the end of 2017. This policy has been favored by people from all over the world, and they gave their applause to the government.新一年的到来,中国政府宣布了一项重要的政策来保护动物,象牙贸易将在2017年底彻底禁止交易。这个政策受到了来自世界各地人们的支持,他们给政府送上了掌声。
Though the world is advocating protecting the environment all the time and a lot of effort has been made, still some animals are being hunted by the greedy humans. As the saying that no trade, no kill, for the components of some animals’ skin make up of the luxury products, so the ivory and skin of crocodile are always the hottest stuff in the market. Some businessmen go on their illegal trade for the purpose of making more profit. 尽管全世界一直都在提倡保护环境,也做出了很多努力,但是仍然有些贪婪的人去猎杀一些动物。就像那句话说的,没有买卖,就没有杀害。因为一些动物的皮肤成分是奢侈品的材料,所以象牙和鳄鱼皮在市场上一直很热门。一些商人进行非法贸易的目的就是获取更多的利润。
The profit is the everlast motivation for people to kill animals. Though some laws have carried out to protect the animals, it can’t stop the greedy people. The most efficient way is to advocate people refuse to buy relative products. The combination of the law and people’s act can protect the animals thoroughly. 利润是人们杀害动物永恒的动力。尽管颁布了一些保护动物的法律,但是也无法阻止那些贪婪的人。最有效的方法是提倡人们拒绝购买与之有关的产品。法律和人们的行动可以彻底保护动物。
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