Since we were born, we are
meant to face the
stage of
study and work
until we
which seems everybody does the same
thing in
their life. They
start to
wonder about the
meaning of life. In my
opinion, the meaning of life lies in study and
finding the
right place. 自打我们出生起,就注定要经历学习和工作的阶段,直到退休,似乎每个人在他们的一生中都在做着一样的事。他们开始思考人生的意义,在我看来,生命的意义在于学习并找到人生定位。
comes first for
human being. Since we
learn the
knowledge, we get to know about the
world. The more we learn, the more we want to
search for the
unknown knowledge. The world is
beautiful because of
diversity, and
there are so many
amazing scenery waiting for us to
discover. At the
process of
searching the knowledge, we also
become mature and have our own
Finding the place in the world is the
basic task for us. The
purpose of knowledge is to
master some skills, so as to get
accustomed to the world and know what we want to do and what we can
bring to the world. The
value we
create can bring
happiness to
people we love and make a
contribution to the world.找准自己的在世界上的位置是我们的基本任务。知识的目的是掌握技能,来适应这个世界,知道我们想做什么,可以给世界带来什么。我们创造的价值可以给我们爱的人带来快乐,给世界做出贡献。
Life is
short, but we keep searching all the time.生命是短暂的,但是我们会不断探索。