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类型:英语阅读    时间:2023-02-16    点击量475
Flag-raising ceremony has been existed every Monday since I went to school. Even I have been to college, I still need to wake up early in the morning and stand in lines with my classmates, watching this sacred ceremony. A sense of proud is raising in my heart and I love my country.升旗仪式从我上学到现在一直都在举行,即使我已经上了大学,我仍然需要在清晨早起,和我的同学站在一起,观看这个神圣的仪式。一种自豪感在我心中悠然升起,我爱我的祖国。
Though some students complain about the flag-raising ceremony as they need to wake up so early, it is still a necessary way to educate them. When the flag is rising, everybody keeps quiet. The song they hearing that moment, a strong emotion will come to their mind. The sense of proud naturally comes and the love for our country will be strengthened.尽管一些学生抱怨升旗仪式,因为他们需要很早起来,但这仍然是教育他们的必要方式。当国旗在飘扬,每个人都保持安静。那一刻他们听到的那首歌让他们强烈的情绪涌上心头。民族自豪感自然就出现了,对我们国家的爱也会更强烈。
When students go to college, most of them start to lose control and live unregularly life. The requirement of joining flag-raising ceremony helps them keep the regular lifestyle in a way. Because of the special task on Monday, most students realize to sleep early for better preparation for the ceremony and the new class. 学生上大学后,大多数人都会开始失去自控能力,过着不规律的生活,升旗仪式的要求在某种程度上让他们保持了规律的生活方式。因为周一有特别任务,所以大多数学生都意识到要早点睡觉来更好的准备升旗仪式、上新课。
Flag-raising ceremony has been part of our life, we get used to joining it and it reminds us of the sense of proud. 升旗仪式已经成为我们生活的一部分,我们习惯了参加,从中也让我们想起了自豪的感觉。
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