Today, people's
lifestyle pace is very fast and a lot of
young people feel the
great pressure when they come to the job
Before I
graduated from
college, I
started to come to the job market. It was hard for me to get the job I
wanted. I got
rejected many
times, but when the
moment I was
hired, I felt the
still remembered the day when I was
interviewed. Before I came to the
company, I had
practised many times and my
friends pretended to be the
asking me all
kinds of
questions. So I made some
preparations and
believed that I wouldn't lose
control. At the
beginning, the employers
asked me some
simple questions,
which I had
prepared, so I felt
confident. But when they asked me
about the company, I
forgot to
search enough information. But I told
myself to calm down, so I
expressed my wish to work here. Two days
later, I was
informed that I got the job. My
heart was
beating very fast, just
liked I had
conquered the
world. 我仍然记得我去面试的那一天。在去公司面试之前,我练习了很多次,我朋友假装是雇主,问我各种各样的问题。所以我做了一些准备,以防我失控。一开始,雇主问了我一些简单的问题,我事先做好了准备,所以回答得很自信。但是当他们问我关于他们公司的事情时,我忘记了去查找足够的信息,但是我告诉自己要冷静下来,所以我表达了我想在这里工作的愿望。两天后,我被告知获得了这份工作。我的心跳得非常之快,就像我征服了世界一样。
experience of
being success helps me to be
stronger and gain more
confidence. 成功的经历让我更加坚强,更加自信。