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类型:英语语法    时间:2022-09-28    点击量451
1、cut to the chase 切入重点 / 直接了当chase (v.) / (n.) 是「追逐」的意思,cut to the chase 则是在说赶快切入重点。I only have a few minutes, let’s cut to the chase.我只有几分钟的时间,我们赶快切入重点。
A: Yesterday, I felt sick and thought to myself,  “What’s wrong with me?”, and then… 我昨天觉得很不舒服,想说:「天啊!我到底怎么了?」,然后…B: Oh! Just cut to the chase!    赶快说重点!A: I’m pregnant!    我怀孕了!
 2、hit the sack 睡觉去sack (n.) 是指粗布袋,也有「床」的意思,所以 hit the sack 就是上床睡觉的意思!I have a big meeting tomorrow morning. I’m gonna hit the sack now.我明天早上有一个很重要的会要开。我先去睡了。hit the hay 也同样表达要去睡觉了。hay (n.) 是干草的意思。
3、up in the air 悬而未决up in the air 原意是在空中,引申为一件事情还没有着落,问题还没有解决。
My wedding is coming up next week, but there are so many things still up in the air. I’m getting nervous.下礼拜就是我的婚礼了,但还有好多事项还悬而未决,我好紧张啊!love is in the air 字面上的意思是「爱在空中蔓延」,用来形容两个人的甜蜜,或是当你身边很多人开始谈恋爱,也可以说:Oh, love is in the air!
4、lose your touch 不如以往touch (n.) 在这边当名词,是指「触;碰」的意思。lose your touch 是说你不再拥有某个能力,或是某方面的表现不如以往了。People have said that the author has lost his touch. His books are getting dull.大家都说那位作家江郎才尽了。他的书越来越无聊。lose someone’s touch 跟 lose touch with (失联)不一样喔!I’ve lost touch with my classmates.我跟我同学都失联了。
5、ring a bell 对…有印象ring (v.) 当动词可能是「敲」或是「打电话」的意思。ring a bell 原意是「敲钟」,但引申为「对….有印象」或是「想起…」。A: Do you know Emily Wang?B: Nope, doesn’t ring a bell.A:妳知道艾蜜莉王是谁吗?B: 不知道耶,我对这名字没什么印象。
 6、under the weather 不舒服under the weather ? 在天气的下面?原来这句话是用来形容一个人不舒服。也可以拿来形容喝醉了。She’s been under the weather for quite a few days. Are you sure she’s okay?她已经不舒服一阵子了,你确定她没事吗?
7、jump the gun 操之过急jump the gun 也是典型的每个字都懂,但实际意思却天差地远的词。这边的 jump the gun 象是在鸣枪之前就先行一步了,引申为操之过急,或是过早行动。Their website had jumped the gun and revealed the new product before it was officially launched.他们的网站让新产品提早曝光了。
8、blow someone away 令人惊艳blow someone away 不是吹走的意思喔!而是指一件事令人惊艳或是震慑。She blew the audience away with her performance at the award ceremony.他在颁奖典礼的表演令全场观众惊艳。
9、Give me a five!  要是理解成  “你是要我给你5块钱么?”,这就尴尬啦!  Give me a five,其实,在英语中是指与某人击掌表示高兴之意。
10、Tell me about it!
如果有人跟你说,"Tell me about it!"你会心想:不是都和你说了么,没听明白么?其实,歪果仁在说Tell me about it 的时候,如果重音放在tell上,实际上就是在说:“对啊,我同意你说的”或者“没错,我也这么认为”,而不是让你继续说下去。A: Parents. They’re the worst.B: When they’re not making your life miserable, they are humiliating you.A: Tell me about it.
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